Dienstag, 18. November 2008

In Berlin - Real Estate continues to rise

Cost of the inhabited and commercial real estate in Germany has grown on 5,2 % from the beginning of current year, however it still can’t be compared with the level of 2007. Such information has been represented in Real Estate Price Indicator’s report, published by investment group Estavis.

The prices in Berlin have risen on 2 %. In the areas located in vicinities of large city agglomerations, the gain has made 0,8 %. However, as a whole on the country cost of habitation and the commercial areas has decreased on 9,3 % in comparison with last year.

Last Thursday the Federal statistical bureau of the country declared that in the third quarter of 2008 growth of gross national product of Germany was reduced to 0,5 %, after recession(on 0,4%) in the second quarter. Reduction of gross national product’s growth within two quarters testifies about the end of recession.

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