Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2008

Berlin Rentals Rock

Read more about investing in overseas real estate in International Living Postcards—your daily escape

My friend, Ronan McMahon, thinks he knows where the next hot rental market is...and it's not where you think.

“Berlin?” I asked. “Are you kidding?”

“Property prices in the German capital haven't roared ahead like they have in the rest of Europe," Ronan said, "but rental yields have rocketed.”

And for good reason, he tells me—85% of Berliners are renters. Apartments cost about $1,450 per square meter, and rental yields are running around 7%.

Ronan thinks that there’s good money to be made providing places for all those Berliners to live.
He's on his way to the German capital—and he's also going back to Fortaleza, Brazil, to dig into a time-sensitive deal there.

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